When leaving the lab and designing your industrial bioreactor numerous challenges have to be solved. These can be about mass transfer, complex or multiple additions, space limitations, budget, regulatory specifications or others.

Bionet has the combination of methodology, technology and expertise to be successful in the whole project cycle for your industrial bioreactor.

  • Understanding the process. Technology is the mean to achieve quality and productivity in a bioprocess, which are always very specific. The engineering team has to understand the process and its quality indicators to design the optimal solutions. Bionet´s integration under one roof (literally) of bioprocess development services, our product development department, engineering, qualitry control and fabrication give our design a unique access to a holistic knowledge on bioprocessing needed to deliver the special solution your project needs.
  • Define User Requirements. Detailed and well worked URs are the foundations of successfull projects, moreover on processes which need to be validated by a regulatory agency (FDA, EMA..). We work hand to hand with customer to define URs which are technological advanced and realistic, to assure a seamless project execution.
  • Use proven solutions. Engineering is always under time and economic pressure to deliver a design which has to function for many years. The way to combine both needs. speed an reliablity, is to work with «technology building blocks» as standard as possible. That provides easily available information for a rapid design and the robustness needed on industrial solutions.